Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It wasn't my idea

It wasn't my idea to start a blog.  But once the words were out there...well, why not.  We're going to blame Miz Margaret for this.   It happened on my drive home from work the other day.

As I often do, I called her while I was driving.  (Now, before you get all wigged out about people who make phone calls while they drive, you need to know that I use a bluetooth earphone thingy.  So, I'm all legal.)  In our 'drive home' chats, we talk about everything.  We gossip.  We get up on our soap box.  We tell secrets.  We comisserate.  We share the contents of our day, week, or month.  We complain.  We brag.  We tease.  We dream.  This day was no different.

I was teasing her with details of my latest baking adventure.  She was oo-ing and ah-ing appropriately.  Then, out of no where, she says, "You ought to start a blog.  Post pictures of the things you bake (or cook) and give us the recipe."  I laughed and she said, "I'm serious!"  When I stopped laughing, I realized it wasn't such a completely wacky idea.  Other people 'food blog'.  Why couldn't I?

So, there you have it.  As I said, "It wasn't my idea."

1 comment:

  1. Shoot... I just suggested something that all of your foodie friends needed. I LOVE your blog! I'm so glad that you started it. It is nice to "hear" your voice in your postings. I know it must have been quite a bit of work to get it up and going, but it's lovely. Thank you Miz Londa! mtb
