Helping someone move is the ultimate demonstration of a true friend. I'm probably a lousy friend because I haven't helped that many people move. It sounds so easy. "Sure, I'll stop by to help on Sunday." I'm just never prepared for the GIGANTIC job that it really is.
The few times that I have actually helped, it ALWAYS turned into an overwhelming, exhausting, seemingly never ending job. Besides the usual household items. I've helped move an airplane (in pieces - that we had to make sure didn't get mixed up), a home-built tractor with grading blade, an antique car (also in pieces - with the same instructions), an antique (read HEAVY) piano (upstairs), and other assorted 'not your usual item'.
One of the most unusual moves found me standing on the kitchen counters (so I could reach the top cabinets), packing the contents of a kitchen into boxes, loading everything (including the rest of the household belongings) onto a large trailer, hauling the trailer to an airplane hanger (where it all waited for three days till Escrow was completed), and then unloading into the new house when it was finally available.
Oh! It should be noted that all of the above mentioned unusual items and circumstances were from different moves. I have very interesting friends.
A couple of weeks ago, we were asked to help a very good friend move. Of course, we said yes. And, as has been my past experience, it's not what it appears to be on the surface. Let's just say that it was a LONG day...even though we didn't spend all day at it.
Lest you worry, I do have a point. And here it comes: My dear friend who moved, has invited us over for a 'thank you' dinner tonight. Of course, my automatic response to an invitation is, "What can I bring?" She immediately pops back with, "Um, how about a potato dish?"
So, today's recipe is a potato dish. Of course, I've never tried it before. Just experimenting on my friends (again). I looked over several dozen recipes for inspiration and kind of concocted one that seems like it might be tasty. I'm not sure what to call it. I suppose it most resembles Pommes Anna.
There really isn't a recipe, since I just kind of combined a lot of good ideas from the ones I read. But, here's what I did:
Using all the Yukon Gold potatoes that were in my refrig, I sliced them VERY thin and tossed them with olive oil, salt, and black pepper. Then, instead of frying them (like Pommes Anna) I carefully arranged them in a rectangular tart pan (complete with removable bottom) that I had generously buttered. After the first layer, I sprinkled in a bit of very finely shredded Gruyere cheese and just smidgen of Parmesan. Next, another carefully arranged layer of potatoes and so on until all was used. Into the oven for a nice hot bake. I pulled them out of the oven just seconds before the drive over to my friend's new place. They were still plenty warm and aromatic when we sat down to dinner. Happily, they still tasted pretty good the next day (at room temperature).
Was it the best potato dish I ever ate? No, but it sits snugly in the 'not too bad' (say it slowly while nodding your head and give it a rise at the end) category.